Plants are magic! I have been gardening for many years and feel so much more at peace when I am surrounded by nature. This is pretty challenging when you’re surrounded by a small city and share a 1 bedroom apartment with your work-from-home husband! I’ve been figuring out ways to make more out of less space and am really loving the challenge.

I grew up in rural Virginia and lived for a time in Asheville, North Carolina, just 4 short hours from my childhood home, so until recently I “felt” what needed to be done for my seasonal gardening. My family aren’t currently farmers but it’s like growing up in a somewhat rural community I absorbed the knowledge of how and what to grow. Now I am like a fish out of water here in beautiful British Columbia, Canada. After a few years of trial and error I am still trying to get it right.

I decided to start documenting my growing this year as I only seem to have a vague recollection of what I did in previous years. We can’t be relying on my memory for things! That is just asking for trouble and a way to repeat past mistakes.

Keeping a journal of your gardening triumphs and challenges always help us look back with a clearer view. This is my digital journal where I will share my journey with anyone that happens to find this page. I’ll also be posting other articles on various topics including hydroponics, some DIY, and art or crafts I do. Red Willow Tree also has a YouTube channel!

Thanks for visting, I really appreciate it!