Plants are magic! I have been starting a lot of seeds lately. Due to our limited space, they have been scattered all-over our apartment, almost every flat surface has some sort of life on it. Greg has accepted his fate of living in a greenhouse and is happy as long as I leave his desk and night stand alone. One of the larger trays ended up on the coffee table in the living room and after a few days, I noticed one of these plants was growing crazy FAST. The Morning Glories.

Shy, colorful, and sweet they remind me of home.

In my world Morning Glory’s have always been around. I’m from rural Virginia in the USA and am used to these shy, almost invasive, beauties popping up everywhere! I haven’t really seen them here in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. That could be because, for once, I am in an urban area instead of the country or maybe they just aren’t that common here. When I saw the seeds in a local hardware store on the cheap seed rack I couldn’t resist getting a little pretty piece of home on my tiny balcony.

While we haven’t made it to “real plant” status on the Morning Glory’s yet I just had to see if I could capture some of that super-fast growth. This is my first time-lapse and also the first time I’ve even thought about editing a video in YEARS. I’m really enjoying brushing off some of these skills and putting them to work.

I hope you enjoy the video and I am hoping to follow the Morning Glory’s journey going forward.